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amlogo1a1a1 M374KyaniteCrystalClusterfromBrazil

I was searching one of the 2004 Tucson gem shows for a particular Mexican opal vendor when I spotted the above specimen on the table of a Brazilian dealer. Brazil has long produced fantastic tourmaline specimens from its many pegmatite regions. Those same regions also produce kyanite; an aluminum silicate. Most times kyanite forms rather ugly masses of dark blue crystals. Occasionally, if the geochemical conditions are correct, delicate, gemmy-blue crystals such as those in the specimen above, are formed. The matrix of this specimen is a glassy white quartz. Penetrating the quartz matrix are beautiful, elongated, thin blue blades of kyanite. This specimen is unrepaired. It is a small miracle that the delicate kyanite blades were transported from Brazil, to Tucson without extensive damage. Kyanite is rarely gemmy, but can be faceted into attractive gemstones. The above image cannot effectively display the beauty of this specimen. The piece is approximately four inches high and deep. It weighs just over six pounds. The kyanite blades extend far from the matrix in a beautiful array. This aesthetically pleasing specimen (#M374) is valued at $75.00.

Click here if you would like to see a video of this specimen.