The Brushy Mountain, a.k.a. Mule Creek, quartz crystal area is located on the Arizona-New Mexico border in Grant County, New Mexico. The quartz crystals formed in cavities in a rhyolite rock. Most of the crystals are small (1-8 cm on average), and rather heavily included, but they are typically a light amethystine color and display unusual crystal shapes. Many of the crystals are scepters with skeletal habit. Collecting good matrix specimens from this locality is difficult because the amethyst crystals usally break/fall free of the matrix as the bedrock is broken. The above specimen is a nice thick scepter crystal of light amethyst color firmly attached to the wall of a small vug. Other smaller crystals fill the vug and cannot be seen in the imgae. Another scepter is on the back side of the vug where a saw cut cuts into that section of the pocket. It is truly a thrill to peer into this pocket and see the gorgeous little crystals more or less hidden inside. (m492, $25,00)